Hello everyone, sorry I haven't written in a few weeks. Lots of great things have happened in my life. My birthday was a lot of fun, my building beat another guy's dorm in Broomball, and the snow has been falling like crazy around here. But today I want to write to you about what I have experienced this past weekend.
I have just returned from Jubilee. Jubilee is a conference put on by the Coalition for Christian Outreach (an organization that many of my friends work for and that I proudly support in many ways). This conference is designed to help college students understand how they have been specifically called by God to be in the world and reformers of it. It specifically seeks to empower people to serve God and bring restoration to the world through their chosen vocation.
This year the convention boasted an incredible list of keynotes: JR Mahon, Steve Garber, Mark Rodgers, Shane Claiborne, Gary Haugen, and even Barbara Skinner. This amazing group of people shared some of the most impassioned speeches encouraging the attendees to fully incorporate their faiths and beliefs into the actions of their lives. Seeking Justice is one of the phrases that have stuck out to me. While I am still processing much of the information that I gleaned over the weekend, and am planning on sharing that as I am able with you I wanted to focus on one part of this idea in particular. Did you know that in the world today there are twenty-seven million people in slavery.
Yeah did you hear that? 27,000,000 Million People in slavery today!
If you are unsure of this stat check it on Google... its unfortunately very true. This means that there are 27 million people who are literally in bondage, they are considered to be an object--not human. Most of these people are women and children, and they in all reality have no concept of their preciousness.

Amazing Grace opens at limited locations on Friday, February 23rd. If your in the Pittsburgh Area the AMC Lowes at the Waterfront is showing the movie. If you're in Charleston, SC, so far Greenville or Charlotte are the closest... call your local theater and ask for this movie! Here is the official site so you can check out the trailer and such: http://www.amazinggracemovie.com/
What I have realized is that I must act. God has given us the job of taking care of creation and He has faith that we will be up to the task. We are it. We are the plan A for God's restoration of the earth, and there is no plan B. Wake up and realize that you, YOU ARE GOD'S ANSWER TO THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS. God has faith in you, have faith in Him and yourself. I can not live in a world where this is taking place and sit by without doing something. If you have the ability to read this, then you are one of the most wealthy people in the world. We must realize the ability we have to do something, no presidential candidate will fix things, we can.... will we?
Sometimes when we are faced with the world's devastation we are immobilized. Our command is just this:
He has shown you, O People, What is Good and what the Lord requires of You;
But to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ~Micah 6:8
Bring what you have in obedience to the Lord and he will do miracles. Your fish and loves lunch can be used to feed five thousand.
Please friends help and join with me, because I know that we can change the world.
~Travis York