Okay, so again it has been a while since my last post... but SO MUCH Happened!
The school year ended, I finished teaching, grading, oh and Finished my Masters. Which means I also finished my thesis, presented it, and passed! Actually, I ended up recieving the Masters of Higher Education Excellence in Scholarship Award... which included a small cash prize too.
All in all, the school year has passed along greatly. As I compare my last two years out of school, and my first "real" job, I don't think things could have been more different. I'll be honest my first year working at Geneva was harder than I ever immagined and I know that my family can attest to the many times I thought about throwing in the towel. This year has been the exact opposite. I love my job. I had an amazing staff of students working for me, and really was passionate about not only what I was doing, but the progress that was being made. It was truly amazing to see God bless my obedience, and it makes me look forward to next year even more. It also encourages me to remain obedient in the current trial of life. I have found myself so many times thinking that i am just tired of fighting with my sinful nature; seeing how God is faithful with such little things is an amazing representation of his promise to be faitful and miraculous in the big things too.
Another picture of God's faithfulness has been in the coming of spring and summer. I was blown away this year by how late into spring it was snowing. I dislike cold weather so much, and was continually upset by the surroundings I found myself in, but it has made me really appreciate how beautiful God creation is when the winter breaks. In the last three weeks I've been booked for two paid, YES PAID, speaking engagements. I've noticed when I am working on developing talks or even lectures, I am always searching for cool stories or metaphors that illustrate the points I'm working on. I guess I've just been in that mood lately, because everytime I walk outside I am blown away by the physical representations that God gives us with the world around us. Its like all of creation is an object lesson. Man, God is a a good teacher! Here take a look at some of the shots I grabbed today.
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