Now, that I'm back into the swing of things I can blog all about it! So the quick and dirty on my vacation: Christmas at home in Charleston - AMAZING! It was 76 degrees on Christmas day and 78 the day after. Jesus was really blessing me with the weather. It had been almost a year since I'd been home and I was sorely missing the beautiful environment of my childhood. I spent mornings walking on the beach with my mom and our dog rivers, evening catching movies with my stepdad. A couple afternoons with my sister, and a whole day with my dad (which even included a mad dash to the toy store for a replacement for my little brother's gift from santa--a big deal and a lot of fun)! All in all it was so good. At the end of my time there I ended up getting sick with some throat disease, but after a z-pack and some advil I was good to go!
New Years was spent in one of my favorite cities... The Big Apple. And even better it was spent with one of my best friends. Rachel, who has just moved to Manhattan with a sweet law firm doing international law, got us great VIP tickets to an Irish pub right off time square. At 11:30 we ran down the street caught the countdown and the ball... sang Steve Wonder's "It's a Wonderful World" and then partied on. Another treat was that my uncle was in town and so I got to spend some really wonderful time with him, and even got to go hangout in the Zegna showroom. It was beautiful and there were several coats that I fell in love with! Ex.A...

So the holidays were great. I'm now back at home, back at work, and back at school. Speaking of which, I already have an assignment for my new phd course on curriculum. I'm really excited about the course, the prof is one of my favorite in the program and from the reading it seems like the class will be challenging in the best of ways! Thanks for taking the time to catch up with me~ Read. Think. Respond> leave a comment.
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